Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Moving to my new Website
Monday, March 1, 2010
What are you doing to grow your internet business?
I made a decision to step up my marketing efforts and take a step back to review the programs I am already a part of to see if they are working, am I using them to the maximum potential..to learn as much as I can about them to give them a fair effort. Then after a period of time, I will decide whether to drop or continue with them. Its important to not get so busy doing things, that we don't ask if we are doing what we need to do, or just keeping busy.
The next thing i did was decide to join the 21st century and sign up for twitter. Learning about the various social media, and being active can help you grow your list, by being genuinely interested in the other person. I'm slowly learning how to set my priorities so the important things are being done to take my business to the next level.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Back Online!
Luckily I had been doing my homework about computer systems since I was planning on purchasing a new system soon. I had to work Thursday, so i went into internet withdrawal (can you relate? ) and went out on Friday in search of my new system. After choosing a system and getting the basic setup done, I began the daunting challenge of recovering and downloading all the tools and programs which i use. Thank goodness I took my own advice and had kept a record of all the links and programs I use. I'm still not completely up to date, but it did make the progress lots faster than it would have been.
The worst thing is all of the valuable pictures and documents I was working on that will have to be re-created. So the best advice I can give today is put some kind of back-up system in place. It doesn't have to be fancy or expensive just save your files.. because believe me it CAN happen to you.!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Lets Get Started!
Ok, so now you're saying... I want to make money online too and start my own business. Now what? If you already have a site or program you want to promote great, if not, thats ok too! There are so many great affiliate programs out there that do pay for their members. Just remember to do your homework before spending a lot of money and find one that fits your style, something that keeps your interest, because before long you will find yourself spending a LOT of time working on it. If someone tells you, it only requires an hour a day, run! That may work, once you are established and have a huge list of prospects, but in most cases, it requires a lot of preparation and work before that so called overnight get rich quick!
You will need to have a Paypal and/or an Alertpay account for many of the programs to get paid. Its very easy to set them up. Also take some time to think about what name you are going to use when you join the various traffic exchanges as well because it will follow you. User names are usually not easy to have changed. You may want to have a specific email address just for your traffic exchanges to make it easier to keep track of.
Another important thing is to start keeping track of all your names, links, etc for your programs. It will save so much time later when you need to have them to refer others to your links. If you are like me and also work a full time job for now, saving time is the name of the game. I got caught up at first, like a kid in a candy store...so many things, so little time! Now I have learned that its more important to step back and do the preparation work first, so when you do surf at your exchanges or place ads on your safelists, etc. you are not wasting your valuable credits.
So take some time right now and think about a good name and get a picture ready so you can start branding yourself.. more about that in the next post. I will tell you about some great tools that help me be more efficient. For now, congratulations on making your decision to change your life. If you want additional information, or cant wait for the next installment, feel free to email me anytime at freedomquest4us@gmail.com I will respond, as soon as possible. I hope to hear from you!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
How far away are YOUR Dreams?
So many things have happened over the last few years for me, and I'm sure for you as well. You know there is something else out there. Something more than getting up, fighting your way into a job which may or may not be rewarding, coming home and doing it all over again. We have dreams, we make plans, but the little things in life pop up and take our time and energy, divert us from our paths. If you are like me, you dream big, you work hard, but dream stealers try to tell us why we can't get ___ or do ____. Don't let them win!! Dream your dreams, write out your goals.. what do you want and where do you want to be? Be specific....decide what and when and most important why? The doing will be easier when you have a strong enough reason or WHY to not give up when it seems hopeless or that you are spinning your wheels.. Having your own map or vision of what you want, will help you to focus and persevere through the hard times and help you to enjoy the success you find along the way.
So right now, before anyone or anything gets in the way... take time to really think about what you want...make your own goals and plans... find people who will help you with the things you may not be as strong at. Ask questions, learn..... find the right tools. A wonderful life is out there waiting for you....do not hesitate to go after it. No more excuses!
I have some exciting new things I am learning and programs I am growing. One thing I have learned is to be organized and the value of finding and using the right tools. It will save you countless hours later and you will be so glad you did. If you want to learn more, or need help along the way...feel free to contact me at freedomquest4us@gmail.com.
2010 is the beginning of something big! Lets make our dreams come true! I'm working my plan to build my business and get the freedom I desire... are you?
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Life can get in the way at times, but LIVE LIFE! - Happy Holidays
I see the way the current economy is affecting the people around me and Iwant to help in whatever small ways I can. You never know what just a simple smile, or words of encouragement can mean to others. The stress of day to day life can be overwhelming, so take some time to enjoy the moment, be thankful for the blessings in your life and smile. If everyone just does one little act to help someone for no special reason, the world would be a much better place.
I have got off track from the topic of my blog today, but will add more business related posts soon!
So to close, I just want to wish everyone a wonderful and joyous holiday season and encourage you to follow your dreams. Happiness is there, all around us, its where we choose to focus that makes all the difference.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The ABC's of PTC's, TE's
PTC's or Paid to Click programs are where you as a user get paid to view advertisements or emails. These can be paid at a variety of rates. Usually you need to view each advertisement a set amount of time. You can make money on these programs, but it will take a LOT of time if you don't have a big downline of referrals working with you. They are good for building some seed money to fund other type opportunities without using money out of your own pocket. There are some very good programs out there that have been around a long time and pay quickly, however there are many many programs that are scams and after all your effort, don't pay at all. For someone who is trying to build a business with little or no start up capital, this can be a way to get started easily. You will not get rich with this, but you can earn some nice money to help in building your business.
I will be adding a link to some of the programs that I use and have had good results with as well as a list of those that seem to be either scams or a complete waste of time.. Keep in mind all comments here are my opinion only and you can check them out for yourself! There are lots of people out here trying to claim they are experts. There are some great coaches, and others not so reputable, so take any claims with a grain of salt as my grandma would have said. Do your own research when you can, and build a group of people you trust to tell the truth....the good and the bad.
TE's are traffic exchanges...a place where you can advertise your program or site in exchange for viewing the opportunities or sites of others. There are many kinds of traffic exchanges from manual surf , to those with chat where you can get to know other users and exchange ideas as well. I will be talking more about these in a future post.
I hope this has helped a little and welcome any comments.... Together we all grow and learn!
Sunshine n smiles