Saturday, January 16, 2010

How far away are YOUR Dreams?

Hello and I hope everyone is enjoying the start of a New Year and decade! As most milestones come and go, its only natural that we start to look back over what we have or have not accomplished, think about what we really want and wonder what if? What if I had taken that chance to say hello to.... What if I had made time to..... What if??? For each of us our what ifs are different. We all have things in our lives that we want to achieve.

So many things have happened over the last few years for me, and I'm sure for you as well. You know there is something else out there. Something more than getting up, fighting your way into a job which may or may not be rewarding, coming home and doing it all over again. We have dreams, we make plans, but the little things in life pop up and take our time and energy, divert us from our paths.
If you are like me, you dream big, you work hard, but dream stealers try to tell us why we can't get ___ or do ____. Don't let them win!! Dream your dreams, write out your goals.. what do you want and where do you want to be? Be specific....decide what and when and most important why? The doing will be easier when you have a strong enough reason or WHY to not give up when it seems hopeless or that you are spinning your wheels.. Having your own map or vision of what you want, will help you to focus and persevere through the hard times and help you to enjoy the success you find along the way.

Check Spelling So right now, before anyone or anything gets in the way... take time to really think about what you want...make your own goals and plans... find people who will help you with the things you may not be as strong at. Ask questions, learn..... find the right tools. A wonderful life is out there waiting for not hesitate to go after it. No more excuses!

I have some exciting new things I am learning and programs I am growing. One thing I have learned is to be organized and the value of finding and using the right tools. It will save you countless hours later and you will be so glad you did. If you want to learn more, or need help along the way...feel free to contact me at

2010 is the beginning of something big!
Lets make our dreams come true! I'm working my plan to build my business and get the freedom I desire... are you?

1 comment:

  1. Biz and life without goals is like driving in an unfamiliar place without a roadmap -- Great Post Carla
