Sunday, October 11, 2009

Keeping Organized

Today I'm going to tell you some of the things I have encountered since beginning my online ventures. I have only been doing this a little less than a year and have made many mistakes. When you see the great opportunity that is available out there in the online world, it is so easy to get excited and want to try everything.

When I started, I joined almost every free program I came across and some of them have paid a little from time to time. The problem with this is that is so easy to get so many programs that you can work none of them well. Good programs can lay dormant because you simply forget them or just have too many distractions from life to work them efficiently.

My first suggestion is to start a new list right now with all the programs as you join them, including any referral links, etc... Later as you start to grow your income with MSI (multiple streams of income), you will be very glad you kept track of this. It will save you a lot of time retracing your steps.

Also from the first, create a spreadsheet or database tracking the people who have signed up to your website/blog/downline. These people are interested in what you have and will be the people you work with as you build other opportunities as well. Remember do not spam people, the key is building relationships with people and helping them to get what they want. People like to help others that they like and trust. Be honest in your dealings with others and you will find people will notice and like dealing with you.

So you are probably asking...what kinds of opportunity, how do you make money? There are so many answers to this question. None of them will make you rich overnight and they all require time and effort to see real results. But if you are determined and consistant with your work, you will start to see results.

I have used PTC, PTR, TE's and recently joined a few business opportunities. They all have their positive and negative points. I will talk about these and some differences in my next post as well as be listing those sites that have paid for me. Til next time....

Sunshine n smiles!

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