Saturday, October 17, 2009

The ABC's of PTC's, TE's

Hello! Today I want to talk about one of the things that overwhelmed me when I was just starting out. Have you ever got lost wondering just what all those letters mean? Starting online, you get hit with PTC, PTR, TE, and the list goes on. Its like you stepped into an alternative universe.. With a little time you will get used to all these terms. I still run into acronyms that I have no idea what they mean!

PTC's or Paid to Click programs are where you as a user get paid to view advertisements or emails. These can be paid at a variety of rates. Usually you need to view each advertisement a set amount of time. You can make money on these programs, but it will take a LOT of time if you don't have a big downline of referrals working with you. They are good for building some seed money to fund other type opportunities without using money out of your own pocket. There are some very good programs out there that have been around a long time and pay quickly, however there are many many programs that are scams and after all your effort, don't pay at all. For someone who is trying to build a business with little or no start up capital, this can be a way to get started easily. You will not get rich with this, but you can earn some nice money to help in building your business.

I will be adding a link to some of the programs that I use and have had good results with as well as a list of those that seem to be either scams or a complete waste of time.. Keep in mind all comments here are my opinion only and you can check them out for yourself! There are lots of people out here trying to claim they are experts. There are some great coaches, and others not so reputable, so take any claims with a grain of salt as my grandma would have said. Do your own research when you can, and build a group of people you trust to tell the truth....the good and the bad.

TE's are traffic exchanges...a place where you can advertise your program or site in exchange for viewing the opportunities or sites of others. There are many kinds of traffic exchanges from manual surf , to those with chat where you can get to know other users and exchange ideas as well. I will be talking more about these in a future post.

I hope this has helped a little and welcome any comments.... Together we all grow and learn!

Sunshine n smiles

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